Empowered Films is an independent motion picture and television production company organized by a production and distribution team with successful track records in both studio and independent film and television production. The Company’s operating philosophy and distribution strategy center around the increase in filmed entertainment revenues being projected as a result of the growth of the Internet, and the creation of numerous avenues through which films can be distributed to a wider audience than ever before.
These projections highlight the need for media and entertainment companies in the digital age to create content that can be made available on multiple platforms, which in turn create multiple opportunities for monetization. Nearly 60% of the worldwide industry growth over the next five years is predicted to be driven by digital products and services.
Empowered’s strategy is to independently produce and distribute lower budget, commercially-viable feature films, whose value can produce revenues for its partners over many years through all means of distribution. Empowered expects to achieve its goals due to its management and production team’s vast network of contacts and relationships at the highest level of the motion picture industry. Their team and its co-production partners’ films have been backed and distributed by virtually every major entertainment company in the industry, which should increase its ability to attract stars and directors with greater name recognition, which will increase the financial feasibility and the probability of success of any film or television project.