Stars Switch To Wholesome Films

Stars Switch To Wholesome Films

Aug 19, 2013

While part of Hollywood focus their attention on big budget, graphic, violent films and TV shows, many Hollywood stars are switching to more wholesome films, and they think that viewers agree.

Andie MacDowell, star of numerous films like Groundhog Day and Four Weddings and A Funeral, has just signed on with the Hallmark Channel for an original television series.

The truth is, heartwarming, wholesome stories with a message are outperforming violent films, and playing those kind of roles, frankly make them personally feel good.

Which is not to suggest that One Lousy Angel will be a Hallmark movie, but it fits the model of Hallmark, Disney, and a lot of bankable stars, and a large audience share that is easy to reach through the Internet with today’s technology.

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